2 Not Prime. 1 IS UNITY.

B/c Composite number. All Even(s) are composite numbers in the natural numbers system.



Point(s) = Tri-angle = 3

Angle(s) = 3

Lines(s) = 3



Pi(s) = 2 = 1 Circle?

Because someone somewhere somewhen chose radius as the more important base or tool of measurement rather than diameter, hence yield and division and multiplication of a 2 for the formula of a circle's circumference.


Divide = Cut into Piece(s)

Fraction(s) = Division

Divide By 9??? => Importance: First square root that is not double by addition as square-root of 4 is. Significance, minor compared to the duality of 2's. Duality of 2's combined with 'lesson on time' yields the why for the number of degrees chosen in a circle and the significance of sexagesimal-measurement in current culture and society.

Searching for significance in 'perfect' square(s) or a true square equal on all sides, hence the function(s) of square-root and other(s) serve only so far as in the efficiency of a short-cut of calculation and the philosophy of equality. Also note that the measurement of a square, although deceiving in initial appearance or study, is actually as arbitrary and unreachable as a perfect circle. Non-existent in nature means only functional in theory and not in any observed reality. This philosophy? Of the nature of geometry leads to the conclusion that geometry and all formed algebraic expressions and equations for a 2-dimensional understanding of form or shape or measurement of any kind, will ultimately be flawed or inaccurate in such a way that it would be carried out to all higher dimension(s), namely including 3-dimensional spatial awareness of a human consciousness as well as any possible higher degree(s) of dimension(s) suggesting a fundamental flaw in the use of derivatives and the foundation(s) of Calculus. One could argue that since science so heavily depends on the use and validity of mathematic(s) as the primary evidence or data set that justifies the solidity of the subject of science(s) using the scientific method and all sub-domains of science could be equated or symbolically linked to the same doubt(s) or perception(s) of current religion(s) or past mythology(s)…

The primary or obvious difference is how close the use of science and current mathematic(s) comes to be exactly accurate as a tool for measuring a human(s) perceived reality of the physical universe. Religion(s) or only able to compete due to interpretation and ambiguity.



Equals(3) = Square-Root



Un-Square = ?

  • Reverse of a forward action(s)

  • As useful as questioning the connection between addition and subtraction or division and multiplication



Logarithmix = LOG€

  • A Three variable relationship where the function of the equation or how the variable(s) are arranged leads to a complex or abstract process of 2:1 ratio of known and unknown-but-discoverable variable(s) used in calculation(s) in mathematic(s).

  • Pivotal in the connection or use of Logarithm function(s) for any and all power or factor relationship(s). Also note another efficiency function or short-cut for calculation(s).

  • Binary infer(s) two entities or two states, each distinguishable from the other.

  • Research up and down of grades of logarithm-point(s) or the importance of using it to convert from decimal down to binary and as high as the imagination allows…

    • What are we forgetting or missing here? Draw out on paper to justify

      • Relates to the cutting or dividing of a physical object or theoretical entity. The power of 2 or 2 as a factorable number into other number(s) especially relating to halving or doubling is best visually represented by how the Egyptian(s) of antiquity viewed math and the use of number(s) for representing the physical measurement of the world. Think upside-down pyramid of halving-cuts of a block over and over.

      • Fuck the trickery of two's for use in any base or example calculation(s) because of it's unique duality.


Rule of (3) avoids the trickery of twos. This significance is mostly apparent in the use of philosophy or foundation(s) of understanding of human nature and it's action(s) or involvement with their outside environment(s) which includes other human(s). Hence it can be argued that the Triangle especially an equilateral-triangle although purely theoretical is the single best facet of evidence in observed reality for it's equilateral properties of balance verses the 2 and 1 dimensional representation(s) of a Single Point or Single Line or even Two equal Parallel lines. Again a complete figment of imagination which one can argue has NEVER been observed in any known reality for all current and past human(s).

This could be loosely and impractically used as an argument against the number two as a prime number?




What advantages are provided by dividing the diameter by 2 for the unit circle and how it relates to Pi visually and imaginarily?

  • Answer on physical notes - File these and create a physical folder for math notes


.5*.5 = 0.25




From <https://www.bing.com/search?q=square+root+of+0.5&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=square+root+of+0.5&sc=8-18&sk=&cvid=E68C0AFBADDD4439852326BD7C6C398F>


Circle inscribed/circumscribed by a polygon